It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Super Baby!
Our things are all packed up and we are ready to go. We'll stay here at the hotel until 6:00 and then we will head for the airport. We are tired and ready to come home, but yet we have so many sweet memories of our time here in India. I think Jadyn will do okay on the airplane. On the short flight from Kolkata to New Delhi she slept. We haven't seen her facial expressions at take-off yet. I'm sure those big beautiful eyes will get a little bigger. As we rode the taxis, rickshaws, etc, those eyes were giant sized at times and always looking around.
Okay to resopnd to some of the comments... Marilyn and Joanne-I'll be happy to go shopping one last time and get you some bangles (such a sacrifice to shop again-heehee). Natasha and others who are wanting to come to the airport- we would love to see everyone there! We will arrive at about 10:20 p.m. on Friday night. I can't guarantee we'll smell good or look very pretty, but of course miss Jadyn will be looking fabulous as always.
This will be our last post from India :-( I'll try to post again during our layover in Singapore, but we'll just have to see how it goes. Although maybe I shouldn't...I was giggling and blushing as I read over some of my posts this morning. As a new parent with jet lag, I cannot be held responsible for spelling errors and such. I hope it all made since, as they were just our personal notes posted during times of extreme fatigue and happiness. I've posted a few times with my eyes only half open. Anyway, so glad that all of you were able to share in our incredible journey. Wish time would've allowed us to post more. Thanks again to everyone and we will see you very soon! God bless!