Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Happy Adoption Day Princess Jadyn!

What a wonderful and special day...Adoption Day! It seems to us like this is the last stop on a very long journey...our journey to Jadyn. Now our journey has become watching her grow and change before our very eyes. What a journey it is with incredible scenery. She is truly an amazing child!

Our attorney, Ms. Burk, was wonderful and made everything so quick and easy for us. Also, the judge made everything so simple too. He allowed us to bring in cameras and video cameras and record the whole proceding (about five minutes!) While I felt very blessed to have everything go so smooth and easy, I have to admit I felt a little cheated to not have had the opportunity to promise to love her, cherish her, buy her everything she wants (hee hee) and all that. I didn't even get a chance to pull out a kleenex ;( Of course this would have been difficult anyway with a toddler running all over the courtroom! So I'm sure it all worked out for the best :)

We celebrated the special day with lunch at Swanky Franks (where else?) and cake complete with a princess tiara and scepter for our Princess Jadyn. We sang Happy Adoption Day to you, happy adoption day to you, ... and Jadyn gave her shy little smile. She was soon running all over Swanky Franks sporting her jeweled crown and waving her sceptor.

At the end of the day it felt a bit like the end of Christmas day to me...I felt so joyful, peaceful, and full. Shane and I talked about how amazing it is to love someone so much that you feel like your heart will just exlpode at times. Someone told me once that having a child is like having your heart walking around outside of your body... I totally get that statement now. WOW!

As I was dressing Jadyn for our court hearing this morning, the Lord reminded me once again about His grace and love that He has shown us in order to bring us to this exact day. I was humbled as I thought about being adopted into the family of God and how, like Jadyn, I haven't done anything to earn it. There isn't anything I could ever do to cause Him to love me more... just like Jadyn couldn't do anything to cause us to love her anymore. He just loves me, just LOVES me. I think about how much we love her, and again am humbled that God loves me so much more than that, and His love is perfect. Anyway, I just wanted to share that thought and just say how much I love Him and praise Him for bringing us to this amazing day!