Sunday, January 14, 2007

Waiting For Passport... In An Ice Storm!!

We are waiting for Jadyn's passport, and hoping to find out, next week, a better time frame of when to expect it, but right now it looks like the end of the month. God's timing is perfect... so we just wait. When we receive word of a reliable time frame, we hope to start booking (but not purchasing) flights in order to have tickets available. We are so hoping to have a special little Valentine in our arms this year!
Soooo much has happened lately. It really is time for some celebration!! As we are coming closer to the end of our long journey to Jadyn, and as the new year has begun, I just want to take a moment to praise God for all that He has done. This year has been a year of challenge and growth, but I know our faith is stronger because of it. I look forward to all that God has in store for us in 2007! This is the year we are going to hold our daughter for the first time! WOW! I was thinking of the scripture verse in 1 Corinthians 2: 9 No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him. PRAISE HIS NAME!!!
We are having a major ice storm here and the trees, powerlines, and everything are covered in ice (I keep hearing tree limbs cracking and falling outside- eeek!) My internet connection keeps going down and the lights are blinking on and off so I should probably end this post, but please continue to remember us in your prayers. Please pray that God would allow us to travel in his perfect timing and would give us good health to do so. Also, please remember our friends Anila and Lenin (Jay's mommy and daddy) We are planning to travel with them and they must have ICPC (out of state paperwork) before passports come, and continue to remember the other families who are still waiting for legals. This is going to be a very important week for them. God bless!

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