Saturday, December 02, 2006

New Pictures!

We received new pictures of our sweet baby Jadyn today. She is just beautiful! We couldn't be more proud. She looks happy and healthy and that, of course, helps ease our minds. We just can't wait to hold her in our arms. Please keep praying for all of the families as the judge situation continues to be sorted out.
I have to share a sweet story about Shane and the pics... Today (Sunday) I took my little photo album with the new pictures to church to show everyone. Shane helps with sunday school records and I go to the ladies class. After church, I opened my album to show some of our friends and they said, "Oh, we've already seen them." Shane looked at me and pulled her pictures out of his shirt pocket. I didn't even know he had them. Would you believe he had beaten me to showing them! What a wonderful and proud daddy he is already!

1 comment:

Nadra said...

Grace & Shane,

She is so beautiful. I can't believe how long her hair is. She has the sweetest little smile. Praying that you'll get some good news this week.
