Saturday, December 16, 2006

Finally... Some Good News!

We found out yesterday that Jadyn's legals have been approved! Praise the Lord! We also received a double miracle because our friends in Arizona, Jay's mommy and daddy, got theirs too. We are hoping to be able to travel with them. Next week we will be hoping for the judge's signature. Approval is a huge step; however, it isn't finished until the documents are signed. Keep praying!
This good news comes after a very difficult day this week. I had the second really ugly cry since we've been going through this very long and difficult process. Poor Jynger at our agency had to hear an earful of sobing and complaining (sorry Jynger!). Anyway, to make a long story very short...we just haven't been getting good news about how the court process is going and we were starting to feel very very discouraged about what was going to happen. However, just in time, God stepped in and turned everything around. He is soooo good and His timing is always perfect... even when we can't see it or understand it.
Today I feel like some of the heavy weight I've been carrying around on my shoulders has lifted off. A friend of mine told me last night as we were laughing and joking during our school Christmas party... "I haven't seen you laugh like that in a long time." she is right, I haven't. I know now that there are many days of laughter yet to come! I can't imagine how I'll feel on the day we board the plane to go and meet our beautiful daughter for the first time! Praise the Lord!!

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