Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Birthday Baby!!

Our sweet precious baby... today is your first birthday and we would have so loved to be able to hold you in our arms. We are so very sorry that we can't come get you yet. That wonderful, miraculous day is coming dear one. God will say it's time and we will go. We are praying that very soon the judge will sign the papers that say we are your mommy and daddy and we can take you home forever. We have everything ready for you.

Please know today that we love you with all of our hearts, and we miss you so much even though we havn't been able to hold you yet. We stare at your pictures and dream of what it will be like when we are finally together as a family. Mommy is making an Indian dish for Thanksgiving today in honor of you-Indian Cutlets. Jay's mommy gave me the recipe. Everyone is going to try it and we will all be thinking of you as we eat and wishing you were here.

When you come home, we will have a birthday party. We will have cake and ice cream, and presents just for you! Please remember daddy and I are praying and longing for that day to come very soon. WE LOVE YOU VERY VERY MUCH!!!!!

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