Sunday, September 10, 2006


I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope.
Psalm 130:5

Haven't blogged in a while, but there is nothing new to tell. We are still just waiting. There is always hope for tomorrow. I know that each new day is one day closer to bringing our baby girl home. I finally convinced myself to go and exchange her 3-6month clothes for 6-9months. This was a difficult thing for me to do, because it reminded me of the fact that she is getting bigger without us, and we are missing some of her life.

We had a family reunion with Shane's family this weekend. We took pictures of Jadyn with us to show everyone. His mother is so very proud and excited! She and I both spent the day a little teary eyed. We thought we would be traveling by now, but that was not God's plan. When He says it's time, we will go. I know this, however some days in spite of knowing this, it's still just down right hard. I'm thankful though that God knows and understands my heart. Please keep praying for us! We know that prayers will bring us through this time.

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