Friday, August 18, 2006

India Camp: Love, Laughter, Miracles

The top picture is of Dhira and Mia playing together. Dhira is the little girl who I met at Bible School over a year ago. After talking with her mother, Marsha, about Dillon International, we knew that God had answered our prayers about which direction to take for adoption. Mia is the precious daughter of Angie and Dustin.

The middle picture is of two incredible families (Dustin, Angie, and Mia and Charlie, Nadra, and Ian) who have encouraged us with their prayers and e-mails. It was wonderful to finally meet them and to see the miracles that God has brought into their lives. They also experienced some very difficult setbacks during their waiting times, but just look at them now!

The bottom picture is of Ms. Roy with some of the children from the orphanage who, thanks to her dedication and compassion, have found their forever families. She looks at all of the children with such love in her eyes. It was absolutely wonderful to meet her! She told me that Jadyn is doing very well and that her legs are fine! Praise God! She also said that she is a beautiful child (I had no doubt about that!). She took my hands and said that I was going to be a wonderful mother. I will always cherish that moment.

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