I'm a little behind on posting so... I'm updating all in one post. What a blessing the past few weeks have been! God has been so good to us. Our precious Jadyn is such a tremendous blessing in our lives. I often become teary eyed when I think about what a miracle we hold in our arms every day. She is truly an amazing child. She brings such joy everywhere she goes. She tells everyone hi (she has the Oklahoma "hi" down perfectly) and blows them kisses. Such a little charmer! I'm really enjoying my time at home with Jadyn and praising the Lord for being able to be with her for so long. The time is flying and I know I'm going to turn around and it will be fall and time for the new school year to begin, but for now I'm just enjoying each day that we have. We play, sing, dance, go to the library, shopping, and just have fun. It's an especially exciting time of the day for Jadyn when daddy comes home. She is just all smiles and laughter and ready to jump in his arms. What sweet and precious times these are to us. LIFE IS GOOD!
Our friends and family have just poured out so much love and support for Jadyn. This is a pic of the shower the teachers at school gave us. I feel so honored to teach with such a wonderful group of people. They have done so much for us and I could never say thank you enough. We received so many adorable clothes, fun toys, and love, love, love! Thanks guys!!!

March 23rd was Jadyn's sweet sixteen! Well... sixteen months that is. Daddy decided he should bake his girl a cake. So we had homemade strawberry cake... yum! Thanks daddy! I'm hoping for chocolate on the 17th month... we'll see (this might be a bad habit to get into.)